Bachelor's degree in Digital Design and Creative Technologies

Final Work

Final Work

End-of-graduate work is one of the subjects included in the curricula of all degree and master's degrees. In the degree in Technical Architecture and Building, the final degree work (TFG) has 15 ECTS, will be done in the last course and should be a work that each student (or group of students) does under the guidance of a director or two co-director. This work allows the student to demonstrate in an integrated way the educational content received and the acquired skills associated with the degree.


Final Work Regulations (approved by the School Board of 23/12/2010 with subsequent amendments).


  • The TFG proposal must be submitted in order to be able to enrol the TFG. To submit the proposal, they must have over 65 per cent of the titling appropriations.
    To make the TFG presentation you have to have all the subjects passed from previous courses and have completed or passed the subjects of the last course of the qualification.
    On this link you will find the deadlines and requirements for submitting the TFG

 More information for requierements and deadlines.

Director and co-director of work

Each job will have a director or two co-director. The principal or one of the co-director must be a teacher who is attached to a department with a degree.

An external co-director may be proposed in the UDL, in which case a faculty member must act as co-director.


The proposed end-of-grade work may be due to one of the following:

Student proposal.
Department proposal.
Proposals made within the framework of university-company educational collaboration agreements.
Projects carried out within the mobility framework offered by UDL.
The proposal shall have the approval of the Director (or Co-Director) and the Title Coordinator.

Here you are, More information


Enrolment entitles the student to attend a TFG reading call within the academic year.

Enrolment may be formalised in two periods during the course:

At the beginning of the first semester.
At the beginning of the second semester.
Specific enrolment dates can be found on this link.

Evaluation of work

El trabajo se evaluará siguiendo una metodología de evaluación continuada. La nota final será fruto de las notas de cuatro ítems:

  • The work will be evaluated using a continuous evaluation methodology. The final note shall be the result of the notes of four items:

    Initial report (10%) showing the assimilation of the objectives and context of the TFG to be implemented. He'il be evaluated by the director.
    Follow-up report (10 per cent) on the progress of the TFG and the decisions taken. He'il be evaluated by the director.
    TFG Final Document (50%). TFG final memory. He'il be evaluated by the director.
    Presentation and defence of work before the court (30 per cent). The student will make a public presentation and defense of the work followed by a question time by the court.

Notes for the different items will be collected by the director through the TFG's Continuous Evaluation Portfolio, available on this link.

Court of Justice

It shall consist of three members where at least one of the members shall belong to a department teaching in the EPS and at least two shall be university teachers or research staff. The director or one of the co-directors shall be part of the court.

The certification coordinator shall make the appointment of the members of the court. This designation is made on the proposal of the Director, who will fill out the proposal document.

Deposit and defence of work

The deposit of the TFG must be made at least 5 working days in advance of the date of submission and following the instructions given in this link.

The TFG's defence may be held between 1 October and 15 September of the academic year where the work has been registered